Membership Guidelines

This page contains our rules and regulations which enable the Encore Needle & Craft Club to function smoothly and serves as a guideline to protect members’ privileges.

Becoming A Member


The only requirement to become a member of Encore is that you must possess a valid Sun City West Recreation Card.  When you join our club, an annual membership due of $5 is collected.

Club Hours

Encore Needle & Craft Club meets every Friday morning from 7:30 to 11:00 a.m.  The meeting location is at Kuentz Recreation Center in the Mesa Room (formerly Craft Room #4).

Active Member Definition

  • You must attend at least one (1) business meeting during the calendar year. Business meetings are held on the last Friday of each month beginning at 9:00 a.m.  Monthly business meetings are suspended during the months of June, July and August.  If a new member joins in June, July or August the business meeting requirement is waived if they wish to participate in classes.  
  • A member must monitor at least two (2) club meeting days during the course of the calendar year depending on membership counts.   This requirement is waived if you have a medical exemption.
  • An active member must attend a minimum of three (3) Friday sessions.  Signing in or simply scanning your SCW Recreation Card and then leaving, does not fulfill this requirement.
  • Members are responsible for recording meeting attendance, monitoring duties and item donations in the Club’s Red Activity Book.

Club Duties

You are required to do at least two or more of the following items before September Business Meeting to keep your active status:

  • Become a Club Officer or serve on a Standing Committee.
  • Contribute to club projects, as approved by the Executive Board.
  • Volunteer to bring snacks on a meeting day.
  • Lead a class or workshop.
  • THINGS THAT DO NOT QUALIFY ARE AS FOLLOWS: (a) donating items for auction; (b) participating in a class; (c) helping with window displays; (d) donating or working on projects that are not Club sponsored.

Business Meeting

The last Friday of each month, a business meeting will be conducted.  No business meetings are held in June, July or August unless a special meeting has been called by the President.


  • Only active members will serve on Committees.  The number serving on each Committee will be determined by the Executive Board.
  • The President may serve as ex-officio member of all committees, except for the nominating committee.
  • Permanent committees will include Safety and Audit.
  • A three (3) member nominating committee will be elected by the general membership at the May meeting.


Monitor duties are located in the Procedures Book on the Monitors’ Desk and should be read and observed.  If you are new to monitoring, you should review the monitoring duties in advance of your monitoring session.  You should arrive between 7:05 and 7:15 to pick up the key at the Kuentz Recreation Center Pool location.  

Click the button to view or print Monitor Duties document.


  • All class participants must live in Sun City West, be a Recreation Center Member AND be an ACTIVE member of the Encore Needle and Craft Club.
  • All classes will be scheduled by the present Vice President (or someone designated by the President.)
  • Notice of classes will be posted one (1) month in advance of the class when possible.  You can also check the calendar by clicking the Events Calendar in the Menu above. Class size may be limited.
  • Club Members who give workshops or classes will receive no fee.  Their time should be recorded in the RED ACTIVITIES BOOK.
  • Classes may be held from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. each Friday.
  • You may take a Workshop without being an ACTIVE member.  (A workshop is when several people gather to receive instruction on completing one of our Charity Projects).
  • There is more information in the Procedures Book on the Monitor Desk or click the button to view more details about requirements of being a Class Instructor.


  • Financial Records will be retained for a period of seven (7) years.
  • An expenditure up to and including $100.00 may be made from Club funds without a membership vote, if approved by the Executive Board.
  • Financial records must be audited annually by individuals other than the elected Executive Board.